Clove Chill and Grill
Clove Chill and Grill is a restaurant in Taylor's Hill, blending contemporary and traditional Indian Oriental food. Our establishment serves as a welcoming abode for those seeking cultural diversity and a genuine passion for Indian cuisine. Drawing inspiration from our ancestral spirit, we infuse every dish with a touch of home. Handcrafting all our dishes with care, we honor tradition by utilizing a traditional Tandoor for our naans and bread. Embracing the past while supporting local businesses through fresh, local ingredients, we invite you to experience a taste of India at Clove Chill and Grill. Join us in this home away from home! ❤️
Tags: Restaurant, Local Ingredients, Cultural Diversity, Indian Cuisine, Taylor's Hill, Traditional Tandoor
Locations: All Businesses, Australia, Victoria, MelbourneContact Information
Address: 127, Gourlay Road