Fifty Fifty Gin Club
Fifty Fifty Gin Club sets the stage for a unique cocktail experience in Cincinnati. Our intimate cocktail bar offers a cozy ambiance where guests can indulge in handcrafted cocktails made with care. Savor locally sourced light bites that perfectly complement our drinks. Whether you seek a night out with friends or a special event venue, Fifty Fifty Gin Club provides a memorable setting. We specialize in hosting private rentals and informative cocktail classes, adding an educational twist to your night out. Join our exclusive Gin Club to receive updates on specials and events. Elevate your evening at Fifty Fifty Gin Club.
Tags: Intimate Atmosphere, cocktail bar, Private Rentals, Locally Sourced Food, Cocktail Classes
Locations: All Businesses, United States, Ohio, CincinnatiContact Information
Address: 35, East 13th Street