Jacomino Pizza
Jacomino Pizza
Jacomino Pizza is a renowned pizzeria based in Bordeaux, France. Since its opening on May 19, 2021, we have been dedicated to serving authentic and delectable pizzas to our customers. Our menu features a diverse range of traditional pizzas crafted with top-quality ingredients, ensuring a burst of flavors in every bite. At Jacomino Pizza, we take pride in our commitment to customer satisfaction and culinary excellence. Come and experience the taste of Italy with a French touch at Jacomino Pizza!
Mission: Our mission is to delight our customers with the finest pizzas made with love and passion.
Services: Traditional Pizzas, Quality Ingredients, Excellent Customer Service.
History: Established in May 2021, Jacomino Pizza quickly gained popularity for its mouthwatering pizzas.
Unique Attributes: Wide selection of traditional pizzas, exceptional flavor combinations, and a dedication to culinary excellence.
Tags: Restaurant, Pizza, French cuisine, Pizzeria, Bordeaux
Locations: All Businesses, France, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, BordeauxContact Information
Address: 2, Avenue d'Aquitaine
Website: https://jacominopizza33.wixsite.com