Jari-Pekka Hankasalmi
Jari-Pekka Hankasalmi 24h Liikenneasema provides exceptional services at all hours. The comprehensive offerings include versatile shopping opportunities, food outlets like Jari-Pekka Buffet, Kotipizza, Hesburger, Subway, and Jari-Pekka À la carte. Notably, the site features Finland's inaugural Neste Supercharger station, along with Tesla and Fortum charging stations, an eco-point, and a wash hall. Additionally, the station boasts a unique Rahtarisuihku service.
Listed Under: Retail Shopping (Convenience Stores), Automotive (Petrol Stations) Report Wrong Category
Tags: car wash, convenience store, 24-Hour Service, Fueling Station, Dining Options, Charging stations
Locations: All Businesses, Finland, Southwest Finland, Turku