Mundh Hospital
Mundh Hospital is a renowned super multi-speciality center in Amritsar, committed to offering personalized patient care since 1996. With a strong belief in providing quality medical services at affordable prices, the hospital emphasizes a holistic approach to benefit patients. Various specialists and super-specialists are available to provide comprehensive care under one roof. Mundh Hospital is known for its dedication to quality healthcare and convenience for patients and their families. The hospital offers a wide range of medical services, including ICU, Neuro & Microvescular Surgery, Pediatric Surgery, General Surgery, Laparoscopy Surgery, and more. From neurosurgery to cardiology, Mundh Hospital houses experienced professionals and modern equipment to cater to diverse healthcare needs. Patients can expect round-the-clock emergency services and outpatient care. Mundh Hospital is your trusted partner for complete health and well-being.
Tags: Healthcare, medical services, hospital, Affordable Care, Patient-Centric, multi-speciality
Locations: All Businesses, India, Punjab, AmritsarContact Information