Sexualmedizinische Praxis Dr. Freitag
Dr. Freitag Sexualmedizin
Dr. Freitag Sexualmedizin is a renowned practice in Magdeburg, Sachsen-Anhalt, specializing in sexual therapy, couple therapy, and counseling. Established by Dr. Gabriele and Dr. Torsten Freitag, their practice emphasizes holistic and confidential support for individuals and couples dealing with various sexual problems. With expertise in clinical sexology and psychology, they provide a safe space for addressing sexual concerns. Whether you're facing issues with intimacy or seeking professional guidance, Dr. Freitag Sexualmedizin ensures personalized and effective solutions to enhance your well-being.
Services Offered:
- Sexual Therapy
- Couple Therapy
- Sexual Counseling
- Clinical Sexology
- Psychological Support
- Eheberatung (Marriage Counseling)
Mission: Empowering individuals and couples by fostering healthy sexual relationships and enhancing overall well-being.
Tags: Sexual Therapy, Couple Therapy, Sexual Counseling, Clinical Sexology, Psychology, Marriage Counseling
Tags: Psychology, Sexual Therapy, Couple Therapy, Sexual Counseling, Clinical Sexology, Marriage Counseling
Locations: All Businesses, Germany, Saxony-Anhalt, MagdeburgContact Information
Address: 15, Ernst-Reuter-Allee