Sklep Mundurowy Prestige
Sklep Mundurowy Prestige
Sklep Mundurowy Prestige is a renowned manufacturer and retailer of professional and uniform clothing based in Poznań, Poland. They offer a wide range of high-quality clothing tailored for different sectors, including the police, military, customs, security services, and uniformed classes. With a focus on quality and precision, Sklep Mundurowy Prestige ensures that their clothing meets the rigorous standards of these professions. Customers can explore a variety of products, including uniforms, accessories, and specialized clothing items. The company also provides promotional discounts and offers to enhance customer satisfaction. If you are looking for reliable and top-notch professional clothing, Sklep Mundurowy Prestige is the go-to destination.
Key Features:
- Manufacturer and retailer of professional and uniform clothing
- Specializes in clothing for police, military, customs, and security services
- Offers high-quality and tailored clothing items
- Provides promotional discounts and offers for customers
- Located in Poznań, Poland
Contact Information:
- Address: Chłapowskiego 87, Ostrów Wielkopolski
- Phone: +48 577 931 102
- Business Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
- Email: [newsletter subscription available on the website]
Payment Information:
- Bank: ING Bank Śląski S.A.
- Account Number: PL 97 1050 1201 1000 0092 1835 8472
Join Sklep Mundurowy Prestige Today!
Visit their website for more information and to explore their wide range of professional clothing and accessories.
Tags: Security Services, manufacturer, retailer, uniform clothing, police, military
Locations: All Businesses, Poland, Greater Poland, Poznań