The Pink Cow
The Pink Cow is a vibrant establishment in Minato, Japan, bringing the flavors of California to Tokyo since 2000. Specializing in delicious signature burritos and Cal-Mex dishes, they offer a cozy atmosphere inspired by founder Traci's California living room. With live music and occasional performances, it's a perfect spot for casual dining, private parties, and a unique culinary experience. The Pink Cow is renowned for its crypto-friendly policy, embracing payments in BTC, BCH, and ETH, making it a pioneer in the crypto dining scene. Celebrating 20 years of success, The Pink Cow continues to delight customers with its fresh, seasonal ingredients, vegan options, and a commitment to quality and community.
Tags: Restaurant, Live Music, Vegan-Friendly, California Mexican, art bar, crypto-friendly
Locations: All Businesses, Japan, Wakayama, MinatoContact Information