l'Atelier Mon Balcon Parisien
Mon Balcon Parisien is a leading online garden center located at 22 rue de Moscou, Paris. Specializing in providing a diverse range of plants, bouquets, and indoor/outdoor arrangements, they cater to urban dwellers seeking quality greenery. The showroom in the heart of Paris 8 is a haven for plant enthusiasts, offering persisting and resistant varieties suitable for compact spaces. With a focus on premium quality and expert selection, Mon Balcon Parisien revolutionizes balcony greening for city residents.
Listed Under: Retail Shopping (Pet Stores) Report Wrong Category
Tags: Urban Living, Paris, Garden Center, Florist, Plant Arrangements, Plants for Balconies
Locations: All Businesses, France, Île-de-France, ParisContact Information
Website: https://www.monbalconparisien.fr/