prôt von Alex - Kontor Lindenthal
prôt von Alex - Kontor Lindenthal
About prôt von Alex
prôt is the old German term for bread, reflecting the bakery's philosophy of returning to the roots of bread culture with few ingredients and long fermentation times. The handcrafted prôte are rustic, honest, and crafted with precision.
Find their bakery in the heart of the Belgian Quarter, where you can watch the baking process through a glass window.
Featured Products
- Weizenprôt: Mild-flavored wheat bread with a crispy crust.
- Roggenprôt: Classic rye bread with a mild sour taste.
- Hausprôt: Rustic wheat-rye mix for freshness.
- Dinkelprôt: Light and airy spelt bread with roasted flakes.
- Saatenprôt: Dinkel bread enriched with oilseeds for a crunchy texture.
- Baguette: French classic with handcrafted touch.
- Walnussprôt: Nutty and sweet bread with walnuts and cranberries.
- Bierprôt: Collaboration with Gaffel brewery for a unique beer bread.
- Vollkornprôt: Whole grain bread with a malty sweetness.
Visit or Contact
Explore their bakery in the Belgian Quarter and Kontor Lindenthal locations for a taste of their exceptional bread selection.
Tags: #Bakery #HandcraftedBread #BelgianQuarter #Cologne #TraditionalBaking #QualityIngredients
Tags: Bakery, Cologne, HandcraftedBread, BelgianQuarter, TraditionalBaking, QualityIngredients
Locations: All Businesses, Germany, North Rhine-Westphalia, KölnContact Information
Address: 154, Dürener Straße