France - Medical Services - (Page 3) - Local Businesses - Premier Business Club
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Parapharmacie Pharmacie de Lespinet
Pharmacie de Lespinet is an online pharmacy located in Toulouse, France. They offer personalized advice in various medical areas, provide a wide range of services including medical equipment sales and rentals, optics, vaccinations, and more. Customers can benefit from year-round promotions and free gift wrapping. Visit their website to learn more.
France -- Occitanie -- Toulouse
Date: 2024-12-20 20:07:24 GMT
Listed Under: Medical Services (Hospitals & Clinics, Veterinarians), Real Estate (Real Estate Agencies)
A.S.M.B.T.P, based in Marseille, FR, operates medical centers under ASTBTP 13. The company provides healthcare services with multiple locations across the region. Their medical centers offer various medical specialties and serve the community with a focus on quality care and convenience for patients.
France -- Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur -- Marseille
Date: 2024-12-14 10:35:28 GMT
Listed Under: Medical Services (Hospitals & Clinics)
Centre Arthrosport
Centre Arthrosport in Marseille, France, is a leading medical center specializing in sports medicine and orthopedics. With a team of experienced professionals, they provide comprehensive care for athletes and individuals with musculoskeletal injuries. The center offers state-of-the-art facilities and advanced treatment options to help patients recover and enhance their performance. Centre Arthrosport is dedicated to promoting health and well-being through personalized care and innovative medical...
France -- Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur -- Marseille
Date: 2024-12-12 18:48:40 GMT
Listed Under: Medical Services (Hospitals & Clinics)
Centre Dentaire Brune
Centre Dentaire Brune is a reputable dental clinic located in Paris, France. They offer a wide range of dental services, including emergency appointments without the need for prior scheduling. With a convenient location on Boulevard Brune, the clinic provides quality dental care to its patients.
France -- Île-de-France -- Paris
Date: 2024-12-11 23:26:22 GMT
Listed Under: Medical Services (Dentists)