Premier Business Club

Hemodialysis - Local Businesses - Premier Business Club
3 Listings Found

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Centro Nacional de Salud Renal

Centro Nacional de Salud Renal

Providing specialized care to patients with chronic kidney disease requiring permanent hemodialysis sessions. As an integral part of EsSalud, the CNSR offers high-level healthcare services in Lima, Peru.

Peru -- Lima -- Lima

Date: 2025-01-07 20:06:29 GMT

Pusat Rawatan Dialisis Islah Cawangan Jerteh

Pusat Rawatan Dialisis Islah Cawangan Jerteh

Pusat Rawatan Dialisis Islah provides professional dialysis treatment services with a focus on quality care and patient well-being. Committed to delivering top-notch services, including hemodialysis, blood tests, expert consultations, transportation, nutrition guidance, and spiritual support.

Malaysia -- Terengganu -- Kuala Terengganu

Date: 2024-12-22 07:53:52 GMT

Stacja dializ

Stacja dializ

DaVita Dialysis Centre in Katowice offers comprehensive hemodialysis treatments with a skilled team of experts. Visit for advanced dialysis services and expert nephrology consultations.

Poland -- Silesia -- Katowice

Date: 2024-12-18 16:48:02 GMT